Hello my sizzling spicy sex-a-licious friends, I was offered a lush chance to work with Eden’s Fantasies. My shipment will be shipped tomorrow for a review and ladies I think you are going to absolutely fall in love with this sensational innovation! As you know a girl never gives away her secrets but let me give you a single hint, “buzz buzz buzz”. As a toy collector, I know my toys and wish to bring you the very best.
Sexuality is very more important than you know, lovelies. I grew up in a Christian home within the southern Bible belt; my father a Baptist Minister. I was raised with the mentality that sex was only for pleasure, between a husband and wife; disgusting and dirty in any other light. I discovered my sexuality in my teens as a rebellious kinkster, now twenty-seven I am launching this website so to launch a campaign that we must we open-minded in regards to our sexual pleasures.
Please don’t be scared, intimacy is a breathtaking normality; whether you are 18 or 80 you should discover your own unique sexuality as it is linked with your self confidence, mental health, and also your sexual health as well. We have all been there, our first “moment” with that lasting reminder “is this it?” when we let our virgin pure bodies be ravished by desire. Now is the time to touch ourselves, touch our partners, and touch our lives.